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by 詹姆斯·T. 朗

一艘拖船 在伊丽莎白河东部支流附近的一个小造船厂附近的水道倾覆, near the Campostella Bridge in Norfolk, spilling an estimated 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel into the river. Firefighters who specialize in hazardous substance releases, the U.S. 海岸警卫队和维吉尼亚环境质量部门对现场做出了反应. 船东/经营者因未能通知国家应急中心而受到批评. 他缺乏控制泄漏和从水中回收石油的设备, 所以他雇佣了一家专门从事石油泄漏应急响应的商业公司. 环境质素署对船坞拥有人/经营人展开民事执法行动, so he retains legal counsel. The result of the enforcement action is a $7,361.另外,还要求他准备一份溢油应急计划,并将其提交给环境质量部. 该计划必须描述造船厂将实施的技术和做法,以防止未来的石油泄漏,并适当地控制和清理它们, should another occur. 船厂所有人/经营人聘请顾问编制溢油应急计划, acquires new equipment, 修改其操作并培训其人员以实施计划的技术和实践.

估计 out of pocket cost of the spill to the shipyard owner/operator: $50,000.00.  

It was not always this way.

20世纪60年代, 如果有任何, 向水中排放污染物的人会受到负面影响. Two notorious disasters changed all that. 1969年1月, 联合石油公司(Union Oil Company)在太平洋离岸6英里处的一个石油平台发生“井喷”,释放了200枚,000 gallons of crude oil over an eleven-day period. The oil marred 35 miles of coastline near Santa Barbara, California. 1969年6月, the Cuyahoga River burst into flames in Cleveland, 俄亥俄州, 经过的火车产生的火花点燃了漂浮在水面上的浸油残骸.

“变化”来了 1972年,国会颁布了《皇冠搏彩APP下载》,尼克松总统签署了《皇冠搏彩APP下载》。. 《皇冠线上买球平台》第1321条, 33 USC第1321条规定了(在某些情况下)向美国通航水域或在美国通航水域排放“油或有害物质”的人的责任.1972年的《皇冠搏彩APP下载》, together with the 1977 amendments, created specific crimes for oil and hazardous substance pollution of U.S. 建立了行政和民事处罚制度,并授权美国在海上航行.S. 政府迫使排放者向政府支付清理费用.

的公告 provided no remedy for private persons, 但该法规明确表示,它并不优先于对财产损害的现有补救措施, such remedies consisting mainly of nuisance, negligence or trespass claims under state law. 有, 然而, substantial barriers to victim recoveries under state law, such as legal defenses, statutes of limitation, 公司形式和举证责任有利于那些对泄漏负责的人.

adequacies in 《皇冠线上买球平台》第1321条,33 U.S.C. §1321 were exposed in March 1989, when the tanker 埃克森·瓦尔迪兹号 grounded on Bligh Reef in Alaska's Prince William Sound, 船体破裂,近1100万加仑的普拉德霍湾原油泄漏到偏远地区, scenic and biologically productive body of water. 鉴于这次泄漏对旅游业和渔业造成的巨大经济影响,国家法律补救措施是一种使个人和企业完整的糟糕方式. Congress responded with the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90). 在某些方面,OPA 90比CWA更有限,因为它规定的责任仅限于“油”的排放,,而《皇冠搏彩APP下载》则规定了对“油和有害物质”排放的责任.” However, OPA 90, 33 U.S.C. §2702, goes beyond 《皇冠线上买球平台》第1321条, 33 U.S.C. §1321 in several significant respects:

  • OPA 90允许 private persons (not just the government) to recover clean-up costs;
  • OPA 90允许 private persons and businesses to recover money damages from the discharger for injury to real or personal property caused by the oil spill; and
  • OPA 90允许 个人和企业因石油泄漏造成的利润损失向排放者追讨金钱损失.

Some of the states created new legislation similar in many respects to OPA 90. 例如,维吉尼亚州颁布了《皇冠搏彩APP下载》. 法典§§62.1-44.34:14 to 62.1-44.34:23.

返回with me now to the owner/operator of the small shipyard with his 1,000-gallon spill and his estimated $50,000.00 out of pocket cost, which could have been much higher. 《皇冠线上买球平台》第1321条(b)(5), 33 U.S.C. §1321(b)(5)将未报告石油或有害物质泄漏定为重罪,可处以罚款和/或五年监禁. 船厂所有者/经营者很幸运,他没有被要求偿还诺福克市派遣专门从事有害物质排放的消防员前往漏油现场的费用, as this is a “removal cost” recoverable under both CWA section 321, 33 U.S.C. §1321(f) and OPA 90, 33 U.S.C. §2702(b)(1). 同样幸运的是,他没有承担向美国政府偿还派遣美国海岸警卫队人员和设备到现场的费用的义务, 以及他有义务偿还弗吉尼亚联邦的人事费用. No bill was presented to him for injury to fish, 水禽, or other wildlife (or plants), 尽管OPA是90, 33 U.S.C. §2702(b)(2)(A)授权美国向他追回自然皇冠搏彩APP下载损失. If his spill had injured personal property of others (e.g. 涂在附近其他船只的船体上,引发了清洁的需要)或属于他人的房地产, OPA 90,33 U.S.C. §2702(b)(2)(b)将使他对这些人造成的损失承担责任. 如果他的石油泄漏导致附近任何一家公司的业务中断, OPA 90, 33 U.S.C. §2702(b)(2)(E)将要求他赔偿其邻居的利润损失或收入能力受损.

If you own or operate a shipyard, 必须管理与石油和有害物质排放有关的风险. 吉姆·朗,彭德家族的一员 & 皇冠线上买球平台股东, 他的执业重点是这个和其他与水和环境法有关的事项. 如有任何问题,请致电(757)502-7326或发送电子邮件至